The Chrysanthemum

Student Spotlight: Meet Krysia Lesniak!

LKS spotlights student and alumni members that are making a difference in their chapters, in their communities, and in the field of pharmacy.

Chapter: Xi Chapter (University of Rhode Island, College of Pharmacy)

Tell us about yourself: (school, chapter, work, hobbies, LKS activities, meetings attended, career plans)

My name is Krysia Lesniak and I am currently a P2 at the University of Rhode Island.  I made the invaluable decision to join LKS as a freshman, and have involved myself in almost every event and opportunity since.  My past positions include social media committee chair, and PNM coordinator. It has been an honor to begin serving as president for Xi Chapter for the 2019-2020 school year.  I have been fortunate to attend two National Conventions: Buffalo, NY in 2018 and Milwaukee, WI this past summer!

I currently work in two pharmacy settings: community (CVS) and ambulatory care.  The ambulatory care position is at Rhode Island Primary Care Physicians Corporation (RIPCPC) where I work under a team of pharmacists who are involved in the care team of primary care physicians offices.  This winter I plan to apply for acceptance to the dual degree MBA program. As for my career goals, I am between pursuing a professional/industry position for a drug manufacturer or pharmacy corporation, or more clinical position such as ambulatory care pharmacy.  Aside from LKS, I am a member of the nutrition club, for which I also have a minor in. My favorite things to do are run and spin!

Which of our core values (sisterhood, leadership, service, scholarship and integrity) do you feel you most strongly represent and how?

Of our five core values, I feel I most strongly represent leadership.  LKS has afforded me many opportunities to hold leadership positions, and instilled the confidence in me to seek other roles outside of LKS.  Also, I have consistently learned from Christine Perry’s presentations surrounding leadership to our individual chapter, and at convention, to where I am confident in my abilities to be a respected leader, but not leading with the goal of being liked.

What pharmacy or LKS related events are you looking forward to in this upcoming year?

Recruiting and initiating our new members is always something I look forward to.  I have loved getting to know the PNMs at our various recruitment events, and teaching them about our core values and mission.  Next weekend is our Homecoming and Family weekend, so I am really excited about connecting with our alumni members as well as hosting a Parent’s Brunch.  Later on this year, we will host a formal with Kappa Psi; it is always fun to collaborate with their chapter! Finally, I am looking forward to our reinstallment of the professional etiquette dinner.  Our professional committee chairs are working to provide this valuable experience to our sisters.

What is your favorite chapter/school tradition?

My favorite chapter tradition is our initiation ceremony.  As the recruitment process takes a lot of work by many committee chairs and executive board members, as well as dedication by the PNMs themselves, it is a wonderful commemoration of everyone’s efforts.  We have a lovely dinner after the ceremony, bigs and littles exchange gifts, and we also present superlatives to the new members. My favorite school tradition is attending the URI basketball games. I love sharing in the energy and pride we all have for our school!

Who do you see as your role model in LKS and why? 

In holding the position of PNM coordinator last year, I began to see myself as a role model in LKS.  It was incredibly rewarding to form relationships with the younger girls, and feel the impact of both my verbal guidance as well as leading by example.  And although being a role model is not age-dependent, I have also felt myself transition from the one asking for advice from older sisters, to using my experience to assist younger sisters throughout their pharmacy school career.

What makes you excited to be a ‘lamb for life?’ 

Every convention, I am inspired by my fellow collegiate members for their passion for LKS and their impressive accomplishments; even more influential is witnessing the alumni who continue to dedicate their time and energy to making our organization successful.  It excites me to think that one day I can impact students by being a lamb for life.

Erin RogalaStudent Spotlight: Meet Krysia Lesniak!